Club news

Club Night Thu 2 Oct - The Club

Published: 29 Sep 2014

Roll up, roll up, roll up.  This month for your delicatation we have the double act of Messrs Baxter and Cleasby.  Martin will demonstrate how the club is organised with military efficiency, whilst Ed will cover things further afield...

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Coaching Day notice - Aug

Published: 19 Aug 2014

This is an early notice of a potential coaching day over the w/e 23/24 August. At the moment the weekend isn't looking too bad, although it's too soon to say which day will be the better of the two. If you're interested please keep an eye on the...

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Pennine Parafest

Published: 11 Jul 2014

The Pennine Parafest will take place over the weekend of 5 - 7 September 2014 at the Chipping Show Ground.  Link.

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Tour de France Restricted Airspace

Published: 25 May 2014

Please make a note of the following restriced airspace that will be in force on Saturday 5th July and Sunday 6th July.   Download PDF or click on the images below. Personally, I think you'd be mad to go anywhere near the Dales during the...

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Coaching 2014

Published: 17 Mar 2014

The coaching programme will begin as soon as the weather relents. Further details can be found on the coaching registration form and will appear via the shoutbox, coaching section of the forum and via  email if you are either a coach or on the...

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BHPA FSC Consultation

Published: 20 Feb 2014

On the 5th February the Club received details of an FSC (Flight Safety Committee) consultation document relating to proposed changes to pilot training at school level. This was circulated to all club coaches for their views with a return date of...

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DHPC Coaching 2014

Published: 8 Feb 2014

The registration sheet for 2014 is now available under the 'coaching' header. If you wish coaching please complete and return the sheet at any time, but at least several days prior to coaching taking place. An updated coaches list will soon be...

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Club Night Thur 6th Feb

Published: 2 Feb 2014

Those pilots who sent their wings/reserves etc off to Aerofix can collect them. Please make very effort to do so as ebay have offered me a weekend of no fees! We have also put together a few short videos embedded into a powerpoint presentation to...

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Farmers' Dinner - Sat 1 Mar 14

Published: 21 Jan 2014

We are very lucky that we don't pay site fees in the Dales.  Instead we invite all the farmers to a slap up dinner with free drinks.  Members are encouraged to come along and thank them in person.  Don't be shy they are a really...

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